The Try Guys are a group of internet comedians known for their humorous and often daring videos. The group consists of Eugene Lee Yang, Zach Kornfeld, Ned Fulmer, and Keith Habersberger, who initially gained fame through BuzzFeed before forming their own company in 2018. Their content, which includes popular series like "Without A Recipe," has garnered over 1 billion views across various social media platforms.
How old is The Try Guys?
As of 2024, Eugene Lee Yang will be 39 years old, born on January 18, 1986, Zach Kornfeld will be 35, born on July 26, 1989, Ned Fulmer will be 38, born on June 11, 1985, and Keith Habersberger will be 38, born on June 18, 1985. Matthew McLean, a former member, will also be 39, born on October 2, 1985.
Where is The Try Guys from?
The Try Guys originated as part of the BuzzFeedVideo team, where they first gained fame with their video "Guys Try On Ladies' Underwear For The First Time." They left BuzzFeed in 2018 to form their own company and continue to create content on their YouTube channel.
What kind of content does The Try Guys make?
- Without A Recipe: One of their most popular series, where the Try Guys attempt to cook various dishes without following a recipe. For example, in the video Try Guys Make Chicken & Waffles Without A Recipe (2023 Live Special), they hilariously navigate the challenges of cooking without guidance.
- Food Reviews: The Try Guys frequently review and rank different types of food. A notable example is Which Grocery Store Sushi Is The Best?, where they compare sushi from various grocery stores to determine the best option.
- Game Shows: They also create game show-style videos, such as Who’s The Best Try Guy? • Try Guys Game Time, where they compete in various challenges to determine who among them is the best.
What is The Try Guys's audience?
The Try Guys' target audience primarily consists of individuals aged 18-34, a demographic that aligns with the general YouTube viewership. Their content, which ranges from humorous cooking challenges to engaging game shows, appeals to both male and female viewers, though there may be a slight skew towards a female audience due to the nature of their social media engagement. Geographically, their audience is predominantly from English-speaking countries, with a significant focus on the United States.
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